airlines established in 1951 in Chinese
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- established
- adj. 1.被设立的;确定的;被制定的;被认定了的;既定的。 2.国定的。 3.【植物;植物学】移植生长的。 短语和例子 an established clerk 常设办事员。 an old established shop 老铺,老店。 an established customs 成例,常规。 an established fact 既成事实。 an est...
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- airlines
- 航空公司(多用于航空公司名称中); 航空杂志; 航线
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What is the meaning of airlines established in 1951 in Chinese and how to say airlines established in 1951 in Chinese? airlines established in 1951 Chinese meaning, airlines established in 1951的中文,airlines established in 1951的中文,airlines established in 1951的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by